Monday, May 5, 2014

  • Daniel Stein
  • Jon Lefkowitz

Dear Board Members,

I think its important that the legal proceedings are shared with you in their entirety. I am attaching everything that was already filed by Aish in court and our reply and counterclaims.

I also wanted to to give you some evidence in support of what I mentioned yesterday.

One of the 'donations' that Rabbi Greenman collected for his sister was from his brother - The check came from a foundation and promptly a check from Aish was sent to Chabad (Aish Check # 27045)
11/6/12 the RZH Foundation Doron Stern for Sister Deena (Intrator Fund) $5,000.00

Chabad of the Five Towns (Intrator Fund) $(5,000.00)

I also mentioned that Rabbi Greenman used Aish funds as his own - I mentioned him paying for his son's Bar Mitzvah - via check drawn from the Bear Stearns account (check # 101) $3701.50 memo - "Yitz Bar Mitzvah".

Lastly, for the benefit of the board member who wanted to get clarification about Mrs. Greenman being on Aish payroll - while she is technically working for a project called 'Ahavas Yisrael', the entire budget for this project is $25K annually, which is paid to a person in Passaic helping her and covers other minimal expenses . Mrs. Greenman does not hold a paid position and her $50k pay check can be traced directly to a reduction in Rabbi Greenman's reportable salary.

As you will learn from the attached documents, I had $500K (in escrow since the directive of Rabbi Cohen even before ANY evidence was presented) in liquid assets and approximately $1.8M invested with a hedge fund (which was opened in May 2013).

I already proved the source of these funds as coming from mortgages (2.4M borrowed in April 2013) that I took out on two apartment buildings I purchased 15 years ago - which were paid off since 2010. I will be happy to send you more information about these real estate transactions.

Please don't let this malicious prosecution go on.


Jacob Fetman

Dear Aish NY Board Rabbi Hillel Weinberg and Rabbi Eric Coopersmith

  • Hillel Weinberg
  • Daniel Stein
  • Jon Lefkowitz

Dear Aish NY Board, The Rosh HaYehiva and Rabbi Coopersmith,
As you may know, as of Mid October 2013, I am no longer working for Aish NY, having been dismissed by Rabbi Greenman.
In short, Rabbi Greenman is accusing me of theft and misappropriation of Aish NY funds. I want to make you aware of the following.
Aish HaTorah New York's policy is that senior and Rabbinical staff gets paid a part of their compensation
'off the books'. As can be learned from the attached IRS filing form 990 for 2012 (page 7) filed in late July 2013. Rabbi Greenman, the Exec. Director of Aish NY, reportable compensation for 2012 was $101,409 where in fact it was about $400,000. Nik Davidson's reportable salary was $90,000 when in fact it was about $200,000, Rabbi Winter's salary - reported as $38,232 is over $100,000, Rabbi Markowitz's reportable salary was $62,549 when in fact it was about $150,000. My reported salary was $81,504 and in reality it was $135,000.

The 'off the books' compensation consisted of home mortgage payments for Rabbi Greenman as well as tuition payments and personal charges on Aish credit cards for Rabbi Greenman, Nik Davidson, Rabbi Horan, Rabbi Wolfe, myself and others who use credit cards issued to them by Aish for personal charges.

What amounts to me charging a part of my salary - (approximately $25K annually over the last few years) on Aish credit cards, as do others in the organization, and getting extra compensation from Project Inspire, the Aish Center and others for work I did for them, is now being contested by Rabbi Greenman as illegitimate. While I did not report my extra compensation from our affiliates which was paid to me via Aish NY, the situation is now being blown way out of proportion and I feel that it is important to share all the details with you.

In 2010, when Project Inspire became its own entity and wanted to establish its own identity and bank account, I was instructed to open a bank account that had a DBA (Doing Business As) of Project Inspire. Because the IRS frowns upon charities operating under DBA's I sought to limit the exposure and set it up in a way that only checks written to "project Inspire" would be directed to that account and the bulk of the monies designated for Project Inspire were still coming directly to Aish HaTorah New York's account. Monies that accumulated in the Project Inspire account were transferred to another charity (Merkaz) and granted back to Aish NY. Since the inception of that account in 2010, a total of $686,856 was transferred from Aish NY's Project Inspired account to the charity and over $650,000 was transferred back to Aish NY's proper bank account to date. That money was paid in checks to Aish NY or paid to others on behalf of Project Inspire, I have copies of these payments and I provided them to the forensic accountant Aish hired. Other monies that were paid to me by Project Inspire were left with the charity account as my compensation.
I was fortunate to be able to buy our own house almost 20 years ago, a two family home that was purchased for just $220K and is now worth over a million dollars. About 15 years ago I have invested in an apartment building, buying it for $450K (with less than $60K down, a large portion borrowed from credit cards) which has appreciated in value to over 2 million dollars. About a year later, I invested in another building near by, buying it for $550K (also about 85% mortgage and the rest financed by credit cards) which has appreciated and is also worth over 2 million dollars now. Over the last few years, as interest rates went to all time lows, I have mortgaged out everything. I took out mortgages in the total sum of $3.4 million dollars. We purchased and built a shul and a community center next to my house for about $1.5 million dollars, and invested approximately $1.8 million dollars in a hedge fund.

When I was asked to provide our list of assets and holdings as a part of this dispute, I disclosed the existence of the hedge fund in which we invested the money as well as our real estate holdings. Rabbi Greenman insisted thru his attorney that all our liquid assets be put in escrow, intimating to me that if I don't comply, my mechutan (my daugther's future in laws) will get certain calls accusing me of stealing money from Aish which may G-d forbid could have resulted in my daughter's wedding being cancelled. Being literally days before making a chasuna, I was pressured and blackmailed to transfer all our liquid assets and the hedge fund balance totaling just over 2.3 million dollars to an escrow account established by Rabbi Greenman's attorney. I was also directed and pressured to transfer all our real estate holdings into the escrow as well, even some real estate belonging to my parents, which was in my name 'in name only' was also demanded to be transferred over. I felt that I could not respond and fight these accusations while the the wedding and Sheva Brochos were still going on.

As you know, we didn't have any board meetings since February of 2009 (at least thru late Oct. 2013), as Rabbi Greenman felt that it was not important (as many members were not donating the monies Rabbi Greenman thought would be worth his time..), and essentially ran the organization by himself with no oversight.

I know I should have separated myself from such policies and report them to the Board. However, what's happening right now is the reason I didn't feel I can approach the board - when I present you clear evidence of misdeeds and blatant crimes on behalf of Rabbi Greenman (as you clearly see from my past few emails to you) you are not taking the appropriate actions and Rabbi Greenman is still allowed to lead this organization as if nothing has happened.I feel unjustly singled out when that was the policy of our office. Even though I was the accountant, I did not institute, create or recommend this system, it is just the way things were ran - all at the insistence and behest of Rabbi Greenman. These were the directives and guidelines issued to me by my superiors, the Exec. Director and the COO of Aish NY.
This dispute between me and Rabbi Greenman is something that can potentially lead to great ramifications to Aish NY, Aish NY staff (As, for example, some Rabbinical staff are on medicaid as the reported income they get puts them under the threshold and makes them eligible to receive benefits) and the whole Aish organization. The activities will be scrutinized to such an extent that I feel compelled to get you all involved in trying to reach a resolution.
I am requesting your help and guidance resolving this terrible situation. From the very beginning I requested a FAIR and IMPARTIAL opportunity to be heard. I requested to go a real Bais Din that will listen and evaluate the evidence and than will issue a judgement. Not the defective process we had with Rabbi Cohen - where he 'decided' my guilt based on hours of ex-parte communications he had with Rabbi Greenman and without ANY evidence. 
I feel that Aish HaTorah is a wonderful organization that has done a lot of good for many people. Years ago, when I spoke to the late Rosh Yeshiva, zt"l, and expressed my concerns about how the organization was run here, he said to me that he understood that sometimes things were a little sloppy, but if the end result was good, it was ok to overlook it. I feel tremendous responsibility in  having helped perpetuate this 'sloppy' system and would like to come clean and rectify what was done wrong. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

I want to share with you the extreme pressures Rabbi Greenman put us thru. Please read on an email exchange between my wife Tammy and Rabbi Greenman (RDC is Rabbi Dovid Cohen..) Even though Rabbi Greenman is working diligently to expunge much of the evidence with the help of Tech Masters - the evidence will come out and will show the abuse of power and abuse of process perpetrated by Rabbi Greenman on behalf of Aish NY board. As you read on please keep in mind that this is going on DAYS before the wedding and DURING the Sheva Brochos. When we requested legal opinion we were told by attorney Shabbes that 'we will deal with the legalities later'. Its time now to deal with the legalities.

Thank you.

Jacob Fetman


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Tammy Fetman <>
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: yaakov, tammy, victor and stuart re: power of attorney

Wow. I am amazed. I am not sure what you are referring to. We went twice on Friday to get the document notarized in its entirety.The first time it was from the original copy Rav Dovid gave Yanki. Since it was from a fax, the pages may not have been aligned properly and therefore, it wasn't clear where to sign. The second time was from the email you sent in Friday. I am unsure what was not done or signed, since we went back to that notary with the entire document and I fully believe we resigned all the requested pages. We did not have an opportunity to make any copies of anything and simply dropped off the paperwork on Friday. We were in a rush, but I am pretty sure that everything was signed and returned to the Rav.
In no way was anyone trying to be disrespectful!  I do not see any attachments to this email. Please re-send that page and we will try to get that page re-signed on Monday morning, bli neder.

Tammy Fetman

On Fri, 11/22/13, <> wrote:

Subject: Re: yaakov, tammy, victor and stuart re: power of attorney
Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 12:53 PM


i will not comment on this email from you, but only to
tell you the

a) i have NOT been calling the Rav, he has been calling

b) as in this past minute, the Rav called me to tell me
to re email the
document to you and tell you that: "I am going to hit
the ceiling if Jacob
Fetman does not sign page 4 and get it notarized and back to
me NOW.  they
are playing games and wasting my time and i am going to HIT
doesn't get page 4 notarized and back to me
immediately.  i direct you to
tell them this and they are in contempt of beis
din".  this is a quote from

enclosed you will find
the document and must go
to that notary that you used and get page 4

In a message dated 11/22/2013 12:05:37 P.M. Eastern
Standard Time, writes:
Yanki and I just ran to take care of this. I feel very,
  very upset that at this time, when you know that we are
surrounded by family,
  that this was done now. This most certainly could have
waited until Monday.
  Also, I am really hurt that you have been speaking to Rav
Dovid and
  influencing him against us. All we asked of him was if
this could wait until

  next week. His anger and inflexibility cause us a lot of
pain. We are trying
  to be compliant with everything that was asked of us.
Yanki will be completely
  back on board on Monday after everyone leaves. We are
very, very upset that
  this had to happen NOW.
Yanki and I are physically sick and strained and
  this is extremely hard on us. The Rav is livid and
perceives us as being
  chutzpahdik and disrespectful. I simply don't have the
time of the wherewithal
  to deal with this now. I have a ton of work and cooking to
finish before
  Shabbos. I must go now. I will not be reading or opening
any more emails until
Good Shabbos.


On Fri,
  11/22/13, <> wrote:

Subject: Re:
  yaakov, tammy, victor and stuart re: power of attorney
Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 11:24


jacob: enclosed is the
  original document
that RDC instructed me to
email you. 

you need to

a) print it out.  this document,
  as it needs
to be the same printed

b) both of you
  need to initial next to P on page 2
and then sign pages
4,5 and
  6...under YOUR own names, not under the ravs or
stuart schabes'
names.  You both need to sign on page 6 for
Merkaz.  All
must be notarized.

c) bring back the whole
  document, all 9 printed
pages that you
printed out in step a)
   to RDC asap.  he said that
he wants it

In a message dated 11/22/2013
  11:05:16 A.M. Eastern
Standard Time,

   We took the original document
  given to me by the Rav
to be notarized. We
   both notarized
  it this morning. If there was something
wrong we will correct

What was done wrong please clarify -



   On Fri, Nov 22, 2013
at 10:34 AM,
  <> wrote:

     i just rec'd a strong phone
call from rav
     cohen telling me to email a copy of the
attorney to the
     fetmans because the
  document that they brought him
was done completely
  incorrectly.  he said that he does not accept their
apology, they are
     playing games and that they are not
compliant with his
     enclosed is
  the power of attorney letter
that the fetmans had
     agreed to sign.  yaakov and tammy, the
rav demands
  you print it
     and get it signed and notarized
  this time and
bring it back to him
     "NOW," in his



Tammy Fetman
To Me
Today at 11:32 AM

Tammy Fetman

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