Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dear Aish NY Board, Rabbi Coopersmith

  • Daniel Stein
  • Jon Lefkowitz
  • Tammy Fetman

Dear Aish NY Board and Rabbi Coopersmith,

Rabbi Greenman is a dangerous man. I felt it and was intimidated by him in all the years I was working for him to hush up and to his bidding. From what happened to me with this concocted 'arbitration' and subsequent 'award'  you can tell what sort of an ethical person he is.

Speaking of ethics, one of the classes Rabbi Greenman was teaching was "Ethics of Our Fathers" - from the following you will see that ethics was not his strong point.

I mentioned donor sharing - as if donors are 'owned' and traded and shared on an 'exchange'. Please see the attached agreement between Aish NY - represented by the Exec. Director - Rabbi Greenman, presumably on behalf and with the full support of Aish NY board, and the Aish Center.

Sorry Mr. Kuflik - you are on that list...

Is this what you would expect to happen when you think that you give your donation to one organization it is funneled to another??

PLEASE stop this madness -  acknowledge that Rabbi Greenman had no authority from the board to orchestrate, devise and implement this 'arbitration' scheme. Acknowledge that the 'arbitration award' was obtained illegally. I have continually requested a fair and honest review. Please agree.

I presented evidence showing why Rabbi Greenman refuses to have an open and honest accounting.   I beg you to stop this NOW before all these facts come out in court. As you know, one of our counterclaims were that Rabbi Greenman rushed this 'arbitration procedure' to shut me up, to destroy my credibility because he knew full well of his own crimes and he thought that this way I will not be believed. I have not only presented you with the proverbial 'smoking gun' - you have the atomic bomb in your possession. More to come.



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