Sunday, May 18, 2014

Aish UK / Aish NY(Part I)

I wanted to explain the relationship between Aish NY and its Aish UK affiliate.

The following is exactly what happened. Approximately 5 years ago I was approached by Rabbi Greenman and told that Mr. Wolfson, a major philanthropist, was solicited by Rabbi Naftali Schiff, the head of Aish UK. I was told that the Wolfson Foundation did not want to transfer funds outside of the country, and therefor, I was told that the foundation will give the money to Aish New York and we would wire the funds over to Aish UK. I understood that the foundation would donate the funds to Torah U'Mesorah, a major Jewish organization, which used an account under the 'National Society of Hebrew day schools' to transfer $120,000 per month to Aish New York to be transferred to Aish UK. This worked for a number of years without a problem. The benefit for Rabbi Greenman and Aish New York to do this was because they were able to show that the total budget for the organization was far greater than it really was,thereby allowing them to solicit more funds from donors.

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