Sunday, May 4, 2014

I never had any first hand experience with Rabbinical court. I should have known better. Rabbi Greenman is well known in bais din, and has had many opportunities to learn the ropes. From right after the very first meeting I was concerned that Rabbi Cohen is being swayed and manipulated by Rabbi Greenman - directly or thru his son who is the rov of Rabbi Greenman's shul (which I didn't know until it was too late).
I have first hand knowledge of a previous incident which occurred a number of years ago where a female employee of Aish NY was let go. When she wanted to adjudicate her case for compensation, Aish NY suggested a specific rabbi in Monsey NY. She went to him with Aish NY and did not fare well. One day she came crying to me and told me about her situation. I mentioned to her that I felt this Rabbi was biased since Aish NY  had been paying this Rabbi monthly honorariums, which in essence made him beholden to Aish . At the very next hearing, when she asked if the Rabbi was involved prior to this with Aish, he quickly turned his prior decisions and made Aish pay her what she wanted.

In my case, it bothered me that the very first thing that Rabbi Greenman mentioned to Rabbi Cohen was that he rented his synagogue for Aish programs on many occasions... The bizarre ruling that Rabbi Cohen issued in regards to the rent payments, and later the '20 million dollar psak' against me defies logic and reason.  

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