Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dear freinds,

I am begging for your intervention.

I AM BEGGING for your intervention. No one stepped up and said - this is insane.  Stop the madness!

Rabbi Cohen - the arbitrator -

As I said all along - we got to see Rabbi Cohen because there was a lease question that arose. Here is a conversation with Rabbi Cohen where he directs me that bring all the parties to him to discuss the lease. Later, Aish used this opportunity and arbitration to make the accusations that I stole money from Aish.

The arbitration process was so skewed that every time I raised objections I was hushed by Rabbi Greenman, Aish attorney - Mr. Schabbes and Rabbi Cohen. Once I felt I needed help in my corner and I brought in an attorney, the arbitrator - Rabbi Cohen - decided to close the arbitration and issued a 'Psak' - an award of $20 million dollars against me, clear retaliation to me getting an attorney.

In our second meeting I was asked to give my passwords to personal accounts - I complied with Rabbi Cohen's request and shared the passwords on my accounts. When the meeting was over, I tried to gain access to my own accounts and was shocked and dismayed to learn that Aish used the time when I was with Rabbi Cohen and CHANGED the PW to my accounts. I was able to undo that by calling and complaining of this fraud. Aish complained to Rabbi Cohen and he was LIVID WITH ME - - not even understanding that Aish changed the PW to MY account!!   This was my fair and impartial arbitrator. I kept complaining that he was blinded by Aish - to no avail.

Rabbi Cohen called me and said that he has 'papers' for me -  just pick them up.. little did I know it was power of attorney documents that once signed I was completely in Aish control.

Rabbi Cohen played to the hands of Aish - without any proof decided that property I own - even property that was purchased BEFORE I EVER HEARD OF AISH, was "stolen" from Aish. Please listen to this conversation where Rabbi Cohen insists that I get him the papers Aish drafted in which I give them power of attorney over my property signed and delivered to him asap.

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